Post by Plush Ramen on Aug 28, 2015 9:13:28 GMT
Hello everyone. While some of you are transfers from the old forum and know about the system, there are new members here that could use this information to the core. I am going to talk to you ponies here about the roles of the forum and the responsibility that it all entails. Please note: Any character not following through with their roles can and will be demoted upon a final decision. Along with the winds of change, some members of the forum may strive to become a moderator by doing everything in their power to stay loyal. Stand out and show you can be a leader. Remember, I will always be watching.
Moderators: Employees of the forum and well devoted members. These members check every day to ensure no one is left waiting without someone to post with. Often given a section or two at a time, they tend to split up and cover different parts of the story. Moderators also look out for grammar issues, spell checking, and overall post methods on this forum as well. So what does that mean exactly? They are there to make certain your long winded posts do not get followed up by a sentence response by someone else who clearly isn't trying. And/or actually helping these people with their posts and issues within. Please don't be embarrassed if you need to ask for help, everyone grows brain dead from time to time.
-Moderators: Moonlight Scroll, Tarascha Terastari
Global Moderators: While the same rules apply for this member as a normal Moderator, more permission is given to this associate for the dedication and devotion they give us. In charge of approving members, making sure new characters know where they are headed, and looking over major parts of the forum's top sections, this member is never bored. Keeping track of schedules and making sure everyone that's been gone for awhile has posted so in here, the Global is the fixer upper of situations. What does that mean? If you have a dispute or argument regarding the forum feel free to contact them if you cannot resolve it yourself; they're here to help!
-Global Moderator: Flux
Assistant Administrator: Given the most responsibility and trust, this member is often giving their free time to make sure everyone is doing their jobs. Taking care of the formatting and assisting the Admin on the forum's outer shell, this member is an excellent and trustworthy person. Approving Oc's and making sure the forum and its sections are running smoothly, the assistant administrator is given the most important job of all, advertising for our lovely forum. While my assistant is awesome, she is not a magician and cannot do it alone. Tell a friend, spread the word; we love OCs and only wish to see this blossom into full bloom. If you have a problem and cannot get in touch with the Global Moderator, please contact the assistant admin! She will always make time for someone in need.
-Assistant Administrator: Moxie
Administrator: Working on new ways to take care of her members each and every day, the administrator is here for everyone. While the list of things she has to do involves all of the above, the main goal for the admin is to work on making this a better place. Personally reading each and every post to keep up with the sub plots and story lines, the admin also loves helping out with npc accounts, ensuring everyone has someone to post with. While this member tends to be extremely busy with reading and posting of her own characters, never be afraid to ask her directly for help or questions. Keeping track of the forum and its members, the admin has the final say to all debates, arguments, and approval of all oc's who come into this forum.
-Administrator: Plush Ramen
Moderators: Employees of the forum and well devoted members. These members check every day to ensure no one is left waiting without someone to post with. Often given a section or two at a time, they tend to split up and cover different parts of the story. Moderators also look out for grammar issues, spell checking, and overall post methods on this forum as well. So what does that mean exactly? They are there to make certain your long winded posts do not get followed up by a sentence response by someone else who clearly isn't trying. And/or actually helping these people with their posts and issues within. Please don't be embarrassed if you need to ask for help, everyone grows brain dead from time to time.
-Moderators: Moonlight Scroll, Tarascha Terastari
Global Moderators: While the same rules apply for this member as a normal Moderator, more permission is given to this associate for the dedication and devotion they give us. In charge of approving members, making sure new characters know where they are headed, and looking over major parts of the forum's top sections, this member is never bored. Keeping track of schedules and making sure everyone that's been gone for awhile has posted so in here, the Global is the fixer upper of situations. What does that mean? If you have a dispute or argument regarding the forum feel free to contact them if you cannot resolve it yourself; they're here to help!
-Global Moderator: Flux
Assistant Administrator: Given the most responsibility and trust, this member is often giving their free time to make sure everyone is doing their jobs. Taking care of the formatting and assisting the Admin on the forum's outer shell, this member is an excellent and trustworthy person. Approving Oc's and making sure the forum and its sections are running smoothly, the assistant administrator is given the most important job of all, advertising for our lovely forum. While my assistant is awesome, she is not a magician and cannot do it alone. Tell a friend, spread the word; we love OCs and only wish to see this blossom into full bloom. If you have a problem and cannot get in touch with the Global Moderator, please contact the assistant admin! She will always make time for someone in need.
-Assistant Administrator: Moxie
Administrator: Working on new ways to take care of her members each and every day, the administrator is here for everyone. While the list of things she has to do involves all of the above, the main goal for the admin is to work on making this a better place. Personally reading each and every post to keep up with the sub plots and story lines, the admin also loves helping out with npc accounts, ensuring everyone has someone to post with. While this member tends to be extremely busy with reading and posting of her own characters, never be afraid to ask her directly for help or questions. Keeping track of the forum and its members, the admin has the final say to all debates, arguments, and approval of all oc's who come into this forum.
-Administrator: Plush Ramen