Post by King Sombra on Jul 21, 2015 1:33:03 GMT
Black, bleak, and bold, just like king Sombra. Here, the king passes judgement and listens to any important plea. He doesn't use this room as often as many other rulers may; he likes to stay mobile.
Post by King Sombra on Aug 23, 2015 16:34:32 GMT
[Enter King Sombra from his bed chambers]
The throne room was silent, as the day had just begun. Three Shadow guards stood silently in the room, bowing all at once when Sombra entered the room. He ignored them spitefully and trotted up to his throne. Even though the Shadow guards were mostly comprised of Umbrum ponies - just like himself - he hated seeing them around. They all covered themselves in armor and hardly ever said a word. It made him feel like he was the only one of his species that had a conscious. How lonely that thought made him feel.
King Sombra flared his snout as he looked at the rotting corpse that occupied his Black Crystal throne. He looked to the guards and angrily shouted: "You're supposed to replace it every week! Otherwise it'll rot and reek up my throne!" he stops to growl and steps back, "Get rid of it, and make another body suddenly appear from the dungeon." he commanded as the guards silently - and in unison - trotted to the throne. They picked up the dead body and threw it out the window, allowing the street-cleaners to deal with it.
Unsatisfied, King Sombra trotted up to his throne and sat in it. He winced and coughed, "Gh... it smells..."
Two of the three guards trot out of the room and go to the dungeons as their king commanded.
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Aug 24, 2015 7:57:56 GMT
A knock could soon be heard coming from the throne room doors. Loud and to the point, a rather stone faced and unemotional indigo coated and grey maned earth stallion stood awaiting a response on the other side of the door. Dressed in the royal and now official military uniform of the Queens, an albino ball python stayed curled around his neck as a small split tongue came out to smell its initial surroundings. Holding a sealed letter tucked in his armor strap, the tall muscular pony of war had been patient beyond the normal guests as he stood staring in wait.
"My King. A letter from the Queen."
Post by King Sombra on Aug 24, 2015 12:40:18 GMT
King Sombra flinched slightly at the knocking before settling into his throne. He sighed and rubbed his temples as the stallion was let it. He knew exactly who sent the weird looking stallion the moment he saw the uniform. His horn bubbled with dark magic as he snatched the letter from the guard impatiently and brought it over to himself.
"I hope it is nothing urgent," Sombra says aloud in a wry tone, opening the letter, "I had some golf-balls made from the bones of my enemies... I was hoping to try them out today." he explained sarcastically and spitefully before silently reading the letter.
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Aug 25, 2015 2:38:30 GMT
The letter wrote as such.
"King Sombra,
I am looking forward to joining you for our very first annual arena showdown, I only hope you have a prisoner worthy of our time. Pick your best opponent. Are you as excited as I am? Doubt it. See you soon, and prepare the seats for the many fans arranging to come out our way. Sincerely Queen Chrysalis."
Standing by the doorway and patiently awaiting his dismissal, the indigo coated stallion looked away in thought. With the snake around him now uncoiling from his neck, its silent movement had slipped from the pony to the cold floor below. Swirling away to the exit, the reptile disappeared without a trace.
Post by King Sombra on Aug 25, 2015 2:48:06 GMT
"Oh great." Sombra growled, crumpling up the paper and throwing it to the side. He huffed and rubbed his chin, leaning deep into his throne. "My chair smells like a rotting corpse, and I'm about to be humiliated in front of a crowd and the Queen... BUCK" he shouts loudly, losing his temper and smashing his armored hoof into the arm-rest, causing it to break off and shatter onto the floor.
He looked up to the stallion and noticed that the obvious snake isn't around the stallions neck anymore, "And great, now there's a Changling loose in my castle, or maybe the Queen, whatever that hag has planned, thanks." he says to the guard, lowering his horn and allowing his horn to bubble.
A jagged black crystal bursts from underneath the indigo coated stallion and it should pierce his lower belly; raising him high off the ground. "What a hot-mess of a day this is turning out to be." Sombra says to himself, sighing and starting to calm down.
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Aug 25, 2015 3:17:58 GMT
Before the stallion had time to react, his stomach was pierced before being rose up like a trophy for show and tell. Twitching and barely alive, blood trickled down the indigo ponys mouth as the crystal beneath him grew drenched in the blood red substance. Unable to do more then let out a whimpering cry, the stallion blacked out as his last breath was released through the crystal palace.
Post by King Sombra on Aug 25, 2015 3:30:31 GMT
King Sombra rolled his eyes and huffed, "Didn't even live long enough to squeal on his queens plans... if she was smart, she would have picked a smaller animal to loose in my castle... but no-no, it needs to be theatrical." he grumbles to himself, glancing to the Umbrum shadow-guard in the corner and waving a hoof at him to get his attention.
"Yes, hey, you! Go search for a large white snake, and go tell the Shadow Guards I just sent out that I don't need another body for my throne. I have one right here." Sombra commands, the guard leaves, and Sombra gets off his throne before trotting to the impaled Stallion in his throne-room. His horn bubbles and the Crystal shatters; sending the body flying onto the ground. King Sombra rolls the stallion on his back and makes sure he's dead. Once it's confirmed, he grabs the stallion magically and drags his corpse atop his throne and rests it there where the king should be sitting.
"Ah, there, lovely. Thank you for your service, stallion. You've just freed up my day." King Sombra exclaims, saluting the stallions corpse, which would appear to be King Sombra to any other pony who will trot into the room from now on.
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Aug 27, 2015 17:48:22 GMT
Without waiting for permission to enter, the doors to the throne room are pushed open to reveal yet another stallion in the armor of the queens. The wiry pegasus had a dark red coat, short cut grey mane and a rather impressive scar over his left eye, rendering it blind. The expression he wore was one of boredom and disinterest as he casually trotted into the throne room. "Oi, captain you done in here yet? We got shit to d-" He pauses with his mouth open in speech as he notices the bloody mess on the throne room floor and the appearance of no less than two kings.
"...Aw shit." He finally says, already halfways turned towards the doors as his body tensed for either fight or flight.
Post by King Sombra on Aug 27, 2015 18:01:20 GMT
The King Sombra on the throne looks to the red Pegasus and rolls his eyes. The actual King Sombra was facing the fake one, and quickly picked up a piece of shattered crystal from the floor; a piece Sombra broke off his throne in annoyance earlier. The real King Sombra quickly stuffed it into his own gorget and turned to face the red coated Pegasus.
In a flash, the real King Sombra would appear to be the indigo captain, python wrapped around his neck and all. He kept the stoic face that he remembered and stood up tall.
"The blood is from a rebelling slave," the fake King Sombra on the throne states loudly, sitting up in his throne, "I haven't seen my reflection in a while, and decided to practice some new magic on your Captain here, seeing as we are all vassals to the Queen. I assume there will be no issue. Thank you for your message, captain, you two may leave now." the fake Sombra commands, raising a hoof to the door.
Following King Sombra's orders, the new Captain trots to the Pegasus and glares at his working eye, "Lead the way." the Captain commands sternly, grinning on the inside as he found the days activity.
Correctional Forces
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We serve the new leaders of Equestria! Long may they reign.
Posts: 167
Post by Correctional Forces on Aug 27, 2015 18:39:46 GMT
The pegasus looks between the two, his face a mix of confusion and suspicion before shrugging, the look of disinterest returning. "Riiight. Whatever you say man." He says and starts to trot back the way he came. Before exiting, he turns to give the "king" an expressionless look before raising a hoof lamely in farewell.
[Exit to Crystal Palace Hallway]
Post by King Sombra on Aug 27, 2015 18:42:02 GMT
The fake King Sombra gave a small nod to acknowledge the leaving Pegasus, only to turn back to a corpse the moment he left. The new Captain grins wide and gives the corpse a wave as well before following the pegasus out.
[Exit to Crystal Palace Hallway]
Post by King Sombra on Mar 27, 2016 23:36:34 GMT
[Enter King Sombra, with a now cleaned cloak]
Sombra strides into his throne room looking around to see whom if anypony was there. Luckily for him there were only his umbra guards, which means he didn't he to deal with any other ponies for the time being. With a content sigh he marched over to his throne throwing the fresh corpse that was upon it down before it taking his rightful spot atop it. He used the silence to brood over the thoughts of the recent event's that have occurred. It seemed likely the Queen had planned to over throw him, which is fine. She could try if she'd like but there was no way she'd be beating him. His face grew into a smirk as the thoughts of a war resurfaced to his dark mind.
Post by Nightmare Moon on Mar 28, 2016 5:50:14 GMT
Entering the throne room and taking note of the guards was rather a setting to the stage, an anchoring of state. However, there was one entity that had made entrance to the regal area long before the stallion of shadow. Truth told, the room allowed for a place to think, to analyze, to plan. There was a feeling of power that came from the throne that could aptly be described as intoxicating, and though she rarely had the opportunity of solitude to manifest physically and sit on the structure, the magical form that lent itself to sneaking through the throne room, the castle, the empire, or anywhere else that anything or anyone can exist.
As Sombra placed himself on the throne, the invisible cloud that was Nightmare Moon paused in the familiar motions of moving on to another part of the palace. The entrance of the ancient stallion presented an opportunity, and she intended to take full advantage of it. Without revealing her location or intentions, her unmistakable voice sounded from all corners of the room at once in a laugh that announced her presence.
"I was wondering how long you'd be able to stay away from that overdecorated high chair."
Post by King Sombra on Mar 30, 2016 1:07:06 GMT
Sombra ears perked up at the sound of a familiar mare of darkness's voice sounded out. His more pleasant demeanor turned into an angry scowl. He looked around and the scoffed to herself, the mare of darkness wouldn't let her presence be made unless she wanted it to be. He stood up from his throne and looked to the guards silently ordering them to try to find her with just a dark glare. With just that they were off to try to locate her, in the mean time he spoke up addressing her.
"Well well well Nightmare Moon, what brings you to my dreadful castle at a time like this? Come to spy on me yourself, though I suspect not or you wouldn't have even bother to speak up. What do you want from me" He growled
Post by Shadow Soldier's on Mar 30, 2016 15:34:40 GMT
Nodding to their King's orders, neon green slits shifted from corner to corner as their hunt for the mare of darkness continued. Ready to die for their master and true ruler of Equestria, a dark shadow like scan of the throne room was being processed for the incompetent witch. Unable to locate her however, three soldiers had simply stared at each other with acceptance. Holding their guards up and ready to strike at the first movement of air currency, each soldier had spread out. Not willing to tell their King yet of their failure to find Nightmare Moon, there was a reason she was able to go undercover through the old leader's. If only they could figure out how, just then and only then, would they learn how to track her down upon request.
Post by Nightmare Moon on Mar 30, 2016 21:56:02 GMT
"Sombra!" she said with a scolding tone. "And here I thought you and I were on a mutual level of respect. Stallions." Though they worked for the king of darkness himself, the guards in their mortal flesh would have no luck finding her no matter how hard they searched, and would in fact not even see her form as she coalesced from the mist just to the side of the throne. "I have no need to spy on you," she said smoothly with a fanged grin, "your subconscious tells me all that I need to know. Such power, such devotion...truly there are no secrets of your might, especially after all that we've accomplished already with that Changeling creature."
"Tell me, Sombra, how long will she be allowed to fill a seat of power while she panders to these ponies and her own shifty kind, playing their game of politics and "leadership"?" she asked with a sneer in her tone at the subject of Chrysalis.
Post by King Sombra on Apr 3, 2016 5:34:55 GMT
King Sombra rolled his eyes at the scolding tone not quite caring for it, but at the same time not trying to start a battle on more than one front. She seemed genuine in statement about not spying. The a slow grin grew on his face with the praises coming from Nightmare Moon. Though upon hearing her words about the bug his face turned more into a look of disgust. He honestly couldn't care for her anymore, all those little spies of hers were beginning to annoy him. He looked towards the direction of the mist and addressed her question with a smug grin.
"Don't worry about her at all, I'm fairly certain something will happen to her soon. I bet it'll be a big bang!" He smirked again, knowing he had already prepared to take on that disgusting bug.
Post by Nightmare Moon on Apr 7, 2016 23:01:22 GMT
"You seem so certain of that," her voice purred as she allowed her form to retake its pony shape, though her power over fear and shadow continued to keep her unseen by any soldiers who might happen to look their way. She silently laughed to herself at the thought that anyone observing the room would see Sombra appearing to talk to himself, but ensured that none of that mirth entered her facial expression lest the dark king think she held anything but admiration and respect for him. "Do tell how that will come to pass? Surely you know how far her hole-riddled hooves reach. She likely has eyes and ears within your own forces, relaying information to ensure that you aren't a threat to her pathetic attempt at ruling. How do you expect to counter such a measure should she come to learn of your musings?"
Post by King Sombra on Apr 13, 2016 14:55:07 GMT
"I have no intentions of revealing that part of the plan to anyone. Besides it was only me and one other in the room at the time, and lets just say they don't have much of a choice in the matter.." His dark face grew into a large smirk
"As for her little treacherous hole filled hooves reaching too far, I am well aware of this. I have even come up with a few tasty meals involving changeling meat. As you see, any changeling that dare enter my castle is swiftly killed." He looked to Nightmare Moon letting her know how he felt of Chirssy's little bug kind.
Post by Nightmare Moon on Apr 16, 2016 23:24:17 GMT
"Oh come now, Sombra. How do you expect me to contribute to your victory when you've given no indication on how it would be done? We both know that insect does not belong on a throne, and I certainly have no intention of trying to hold rule over such a weak, pointless race," she spat with contempt. Nightmares were not found only within Equestria's borders, and the things she had seen across the world through them left her with no doubt that if she had to fight for dominance over a land it would not be Equestria. "However, it is a fitting position for someone such as yourself," she continued as she began to pace a slow circle around the dark throne.
"You have risen above them, Sombra. While you were once held back by the same physical bounds, that is true no longer! No others have proven themselves in the way that you have, and your thirst for power and knowledge has brought you out from the common crowd while still allowing you the connection to them that is needed to make them believe that the crown is fitting for you and you alone. Do you think that if I sat where that Changeling has planted herself the population would even consider following my order? Of course they wouldn't; it's a wonder that she's rallied what support she has, misguided as it may be. Do you really wish to allow her to continue to build herself up? Every day her influence grows, and every day it will become harder than the last to remove her...for good." The dark mare hoped that her reasoning would appeal to Sombra, showing him that by their continued lack of action it would get more and more difficult to remedy.
Post by King Sombra on Apr 18, 2016 17:02:44 GMT
"I suppose I could see myself atop that throne as well, controlling all those pathetic ponies. Oh all the things I could do to those petty little beings I imagine their screams would be delightful to my ears. No one would dare move against Sombra! Though I suspect you'd always be near by messing with their puny little heads. Fine if you must know I've chosen an ideal champion for the upcoming arena. When he wins he'll be close enough to that bug to finish her as well. He told me how he nearly beat her before and I figured he'd be good for a round two. Though of course I have a back up plan, which will be explosive at the least." Sombra grinned thinking of the bloodshed.
Whilst Night held her attention Sombra would take the opportunity to finish her off himself if he needed to, granted the magnitude of the explosive crystal in Night would likely kill her but if it didn't it wold defiantly cripple her. Making it much easier for Sombra to administer a finishing blow to that pesky little bug. With her gone he'd be able to do whatever he wanted to her little bugs and all the ponies in the empire. Their tortured little screams would fill the air for at least a few moons. The lucky ones would flee in terror likely never to return. The luckier ones would be permanently enslaved under his control. Though he knows full well that Nightmare won't just sit idly by while he does all this. He'd likely have to find a way to get rid of her too, though he'd have to look for a way to bind her. She doesn't seem the type to be defeated in a conventional way.
Post by Nightmare Moon on Apr 26, 2016 5:58:59 GMT
Nightmare Moon was silent as he finished speaking, partly in appreciation for what he'd revealed. It was a plan that held blood, revenge, and victory all in one, and she was slightly impressed at it. "Stallions and your explosions," she purred in a mock condescending tone. "Can't ever have those silent victories in the night. Even if your adversary does not know it was you behind a scheme, when you're the last one standing they seem to get the picture. However, I'm impressed. It does seem to cover faults fairly well, and who knows what other nice, shall we say, 'surprises' we may be able to impart on it before the time comes. Are you quite certain that this champion of yours will deliver? I've seen with my own eyes that it is by a stroke of luck that many have gotten close to the tyrant, and if you put your trust in a normal pony the odds of success are...concerningly low. How can you be sure that he can do what he claims to have done in the past?"
Post by King Sombra on Apr 26, 2016 7:14:28 GMT
"I can't be, and that is something I know. I was in the middle of coming up with a back up plan before this strange mist bothered me." Sombra frowned a bit at that.
"Though if you would like to brainstorm I'm all ears. Though I would prefer to do so over a feast, I haven't fed all day." Sombra got up from his throne stretching a bit as his stomach growled from his prolonged starvation.
His offer to brainstorm was sincere, but he didn't care to listen anymore on an empty stomach. He slowly approached the door opening it in his magic. He looked back to the mare of darkness gesturing with a simple nod of the head to follow him. Without waiting for any form of reply from the mare he left the throne room to head to the hallway.
[Exit King Sombra, and maybe Nightmare Moon to the Hallway]
Post by Nightmare Moon on May 10, 2016 21:27:12 GMT
The night mare's mouth twisted slightly as she watched Sombra walk off. This idea and feeling of working together with others, it was still a foreign concept to her. She had always attributed needing the assistance of someone else to being simply too weak or too scared to accomplish a task. After the "big 3" had teamed up in the past she hadn't ever had reason to do the same again...until now, when she realized that the only way to truly get rid of the creature everyone had too quickly called Queen was by joining forces yet again.
She quickly took control of her expression once more, regaining her powerful look as she followed after the shadow stallion.
[Exit Nightmare Moon to the Hallway]