Post by Plush Ramen on Jul 21, 2015 1:15:39 GMT
Located in between two hills, a medium sized water fall is seen spraying downwards. It is said that this stream of water can lead all the way from nation to nation without having to stop. That being said, it is a great spot to get a little fresh water or swimming in, just remember, just because its not a level 10 in dangerous, doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
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Post by Strong Defense on Sept 8, 2015 1:42:53 GMT
[Enter Strong Defense from Canterlot Main Streets]
Strong made his way to the Falls early in the morning to wait for Astral. He was a little on edge not have slept very well. With nightmares of his fallen friends and Luna waking him up throughout the night. Strong looked around the falls his guard up as he passed the time waiting for Astral to show up.
"I hope it was a good idea to trust him."
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 8, 2015 2:18:03 GMT
[Enter: Astral Midnight from above]
Astral looked down at the place that h said he'd meet his new acquaintance at, and noticed the grey unicorn near a decently sized pool of water. Astral knew the landing was going to be rough, so he decided to take land out of the equation completely. He started into a dive and threw off his bag, since soggy bread isn't any good. He slowed enough to watch his bag hit the ground, and then continued down himself. Just before hitting the water, Astral slowed down once more. He still hit at a fair speed, causing quite a large splash. He swam to the shore, climbed out, and shook himself off. He picked up his bag, and looked at Strong with a smile.
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
Posts: 99
Post by Strong Defense on Sept 8, 2015 2:35:45 GMT
laughing a bit from Astral very wet landing. Strong was reminded of the stunts Geronimo used to pull. Hmm maybe it would be a "watering" in this case? Well, enough of that for now time to get down to business. Offering Astral a towel to help dry himself off with, Strong said.
"Morning Astral. Now that you're done with you bath there is something I need to do before, we pick up where we left off yesterday. It's just a little spell to be on the safe side. It will not hurt on anything like that I promise."
Strong sat there patiently waited for Astral permission to start.
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 8, 2015 2:41:29 GMT
Astral took the towel and dried off his mane. He stared at Strong for a good few seconds as he thought about the choice he had to make. After debating it in his head, Astral agreed to Strong's request. He threw the towel off to the side and waited for Strong to cast the spell.
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
Posts: 99
Post by Strong Defense on Sept 8, 2015 2:59:26 GMT
Strong cast his spell letting the crimson aura of his magic wash over Astral. Good it looks like he's not a changeling. So I guess that is as sure as I am going to get about him. Nothing to do about it now but, to see if trusting this pony works out for me. Taking a deep breath Strong started to speak.
"So, it looks like you're not a changeling and you can be sure I am not too. Mostly because even though I am not happy about it my, magic is crimson and changeling magic is typically green."
Strong looked Astral in the eyes before continuing.
"Now to answer your question I am a royal guard. Just because we lost a battle or two doesn't mean my oafs stop counting. So, what about you Astral what is your story?"
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 8, 2015 3:12:50 GMT
Astral smiled after hearing the words. His guess was correct! But when Strong asked about his story, Astral froze.
"Well, if you were ever on duty in Canterlot in the few years before the war, you probably ran into me a few times. Though, it wasn't because I was a criminal, because I wasn't. I just... Didn't have an actual home. Well, I did, but that was only for a month or so. You see, I grew up on the streets in Cloudsdale. But then I got kicked out and wound up in Canterlot, with some friends of mine as well. The guard didn't take too kindly to us... We spent a year on the streets and bought a house for all of us. But then most of my friends joined the guard... The few that were left wound up on the streets again, and then the four of us went into the Everfree Forest just before the war started. I am..." Astral's words faltered as he tried to say these final words. "I'm the only one to make it out."
Having let all that out, Astral stared blankly at Strong. Saying that to somepony helped a lot... Astral thought to himself.
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
Posts: 99
Post by Strong Defense on Sept 8, 2015 3:32:03 GMT
Strong put a comforting hoof on Astral shoulder before saying.
"Hey, losing ponies you care about is hard. Trust me I know that all too well." Strong's expression going dark with that last line.
"But we have to keep going on. It's our job to live on for those that we left behind."
Strong's face turned confident as he said. "I for one am going to keep going on for all of them. If somepony has to pick up the slack then it might as well be me but, first I need to get myself out of canterlot. Need to keep my family safe and my wounds need time to heal." Gesturing to his wounds.
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 8, 2015 3:40:32 GMT
Astral sighed.
"Yeah. If you need any help, just say. I've got nowhere I need to be."
Astral glanced around a bit. I should find a place to actually live.. Later. He thought to himself.
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
Posts: 99
Post by Strong Defense on Sept 8, 2015 7:42:25 GMT
Wow... that was easier than expected. So, either Astral was more lost then I was and just really needed somepony's help or I am a lot more charismatic than I think I am. Maybe I should've just ask Luna out on a date? Cadance and Shining Armor did get married... Ok, slow down there Strong one thing at a time. For now we need to get our things together and get out of the city. Hhmm but where should we go from there? Let me think there maybe some refugees somewhere in The Smokey Mountain Range or White Tail Woods. Yeah, that could work and it's not to far from ponyville if I looked around there I maybe able to find some leads on the Elements. If the element had saved Luna once then there was a good chance they could do it again. More importantly any camps or the like would be somewhere safe for his new friend. Strong like Astral so far But, he highly doubted his new friend would be all that much of a help if they got into a fight. With what Strong was plaining that was, as unhappy as he was about it only a matter of time.
I am not going to get anymore of my friends killed. Strong thought to himself before looking over to Astral to Tell him his plain.
"Ok, so there maybe some place in The Smokey Mountains or The White Tail Woods. That should be a good place for use to go for now." Strong smiled at Astral.
"We will see how things go from there. Don't worry if things go south on use, I will have your back Astral that is what friends are for after all."
Strong tried his hardest to put all the warmth, caring, and kindness he could into that last part. Strong was ever the big brother to everypony he met. Strong could tell that Astral need a place to go but, more than that what he really needed was for somepony to care about what happen to him. To know that there was somepony out there that was looking out for him and would help him if he ever needed it. Strong was anything but alright himself but, that didn't matter right now because ponies needed his help and by Luna he was going to give it to them.
"So, Astral are you ready to go?"
(This Post has been edited to better show the difference between Strong thinking there is a refugee camp and him knowing there is. Sorry it was more about how Strong talks then me trying to say Strong knows thing he shouldn't.)
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 8, 2015 21:47:57 GMT
Astral's expression became very serious as Strong spoke to him. Once Strong was done talking, Astral replied, "Sounds like a plan. Though, if things go south, you worry about you, I'll worry about me. We'll meet up at the gate to this camp afterwards. Hopefully nothing goes wrong though."
Astral thought for a second. Maybe going to this camp can give me an opportunity to see if any of my old friends are out there still. Meeting Strong had made Astral realize how much he actually missed them, no matter how much he hated them for leaving him...
Astral looked Strong in the eye and said, "I'm ready if you are."
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Sept 9, 2015 14:57:30 GMT
Flying down near their hooves, two officers of the Queen had landed down on firm land. Standing firm, one unicorn mare and a stallion pegasus had stopped to confront the ponies willing to just leave everything behind. Suspecting unwanted activity, the two ponies in green armor had been wearing a unique set of sunglasses, both scanning the by passers with curiosity. Speaking up, the unicorn of the two had taken a step to approach them and the subject at hoof.
"All non registered citizens must report to the Queens at once. Neither of your files are coming up in our data base, please follow us and no violence shall follow."
(Also, I find it reaaaally hard to believe you just "Hear" About the mystery camp that no one else knows about and have the bravery to say it out loud for listening ears to here.)
Strong Defense
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You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
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Post by Strong Defense on Sept 11, 2015 10:16:54 GMT
Well buck, it was looking like Strong was going to have to give up on his day dream of being a spy that got all the mares and stallions. Why do ponies have to keep ruining my dreams? Strong looked the two guards over already thinking how he could take them down. I injured but, if I play it right I will have the element of surprise. That wouldn't leave me with a lot of time to get out of the city before they were missed. Maybe an hour or two tops.
Looking over at Astral, Strong thought about what that would mean for his friend. Right now the worst Astral had done was talk to a lunar guard and not being registered. If Strong attack the guards that would all change for Astral, it wouldn't matter that he had not done anything. Just because he had been seen with Strong would cause him problems. I just promised myself that I was going to help him. When it came down to it helping ponies was more important than what happen to him. Just like the other morning Strong was going to do the right thing ever if it cost him everything to do it. Stepping forward to speak with the guards, Strong made sure he was in between the guards and Astral.
"Ok then, first that was the worst greeting ever." Strong said looking at the two guards.
"You should never say no violence shall follow, all that does is make ponies think that violence may follow."
Taking a very royal guard stance "You should say something like." Strong looked the two in the eye and took a deep breath.
"Hello, by decree of the Queens all citizens must be registered. It appears that we do not have you two in our data base. I am sorry for the inconvenience but, If you would please come with us we can take you to the Queens, to get you registered. Then you will be free to go about your day."
Strong said all of this in a very confident tone, adding as much big brother style warmth to his voice as he could. He then gave the two a bright smile. They maybe the new Queen's guards and not Luna's but, that was no excuse in Strong's mind for them to not know how to address citizens. When talk to a citizen you wanted them to feel safe and that you cared about them, not that you were using your authority to harass them. With that out of the way Strong waited to see what they would do, still on guard if they tried anything he didn't like.
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 11, 2015 13:26:48 GMT
Astral froze at the sight of the guards. His mind started filling with possible outcomes of this situation, the worst being Strong picking a fight and dragging Astral into it. He simply stood there, ready to act on his plans if needed, listening to Strong talk.
Strong Defense
Junior Member
You may Buck up along the way but, you have to keep going and be strong for the ones you love.
Posts: 99
Post by Strong Defense on Sept 13, 2015 12:13:26 GMT
Strong waited for the two guard ponies to respond to what he had said to them. Then he waited some more and waited. After good 5 minutes of nopony doing any, Strong walk up to the two and waved a hoof in front of them.
"um, hello are you two ok?" Strong asked a worried for the two silent guards.
Did I break them or something? They just were standing there not doing anything. I guess we should just go and meet the Queens ourselves? Strong look over the two one more time, if this what the guard is like now then sometime really needed to be done about this.
"Ok so, we're just going to go and met the Queens. That's ok will you right?" The two still did not ask a word.
"Ok then, Astral we are going to go met the Queens now."
[Exit Strong Defense to the Palace Gates]
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 13, 2015 16:20:12 GMT
Astral continued to stare at the guards, listening to Strong talk. As Strong walked away, Astral stood for a few seconds, and then followed the unicorn towards the palace. [Exit: Astral Midnight to Palace Gates]
Post by Plush Ramen on Sept 1, 2016 4:46:56 GMT
[Enter Plush Ramen]
Galloping in record speed through the large fields that would lead her here, the exhausted mare needed to take a small break. Clenching her chest as she gasped for more air then her lungs would allow, she sat down next to the falls with fatique. Slowly finding her heart rate simmering down through the moments that passed, Plush Ramen had begun to cry. Assuming she was by herself and laying her body down further on the damp grass, the light drizzling of the waterfalls bouncing droplets had been a refreshing change to her unfortunate stressful life.
Continuing to weep softly as the mare's face was buried in her own hooves, the orange coated mare didn't care who found her. She was alone and scared, the very thought of her life's events caused the mare to tremble further, she had nothing. No friends, no family, and now, no jail cell to rot in. Listening carefully to the calming waterfall as it were, the soothing trickle of streams was enough to take her over the edge. Drifting to sleep, the mares body was in the open, her position clear of her unconscious state as the waterfalls circulation only helped what her mind failed to do. Calm her down.
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 1, 2016 14:20:07 GMT
[Enter from Main Street]
During his unexpected flight, Astral's good fell off, rendering him visible once again. In a poor attempt to right himself and gain some illusion of control, Astral began wildly flailing every limb he had. His efforts proved useless as he crashes into the ground not too far away from the Orange mare.
Landing with a loud thump and skidding to a halt mostly on his side, the dark pegasus let out a couple pained groans before falling silent. Our of the various recent crashes, this one hurt the worst by far. Unable to build the strength to move himself, Astral laid his head down in the grass and waited to see if anyone cared enough to help him
Post by Plush Ramen on Sept 2, 2016 0:58:30 GMT
Jolting awake at the sound of the stallions harsh crash into the ground near, widened eyes alert what the brain failed to do. Leaping up and frozen in place, blue hesitant orbs watch in concern. Unsure on what to do, Plush took a step forward. Breaking her inner struggle, the mare tried to find a way to check on his breathing without getting too close.
Finding a long stick, clenched teeth picked up the slim bark with silence. Managing to direct it in the direction of her choice, the stick reached out to poke at the grounded stallions body. Not sensing movement at first, the mare continued.
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 2, 2016 19:09:12 GMT
After just a few pokes by the stick, Astral gently stirred, mostly stretching his legs and flicking his ears around a bit. Staying silent, he remained unmoved on the ground near the mare.
His crash had reminded him just how useless he really was. What kind of self respecting pegasus couldn't fly? Letting out a soft sigh, he relaxed further into the ground, retreating into his thoughts
Post by Plush Ramen on Sept 2, 2016 19:38:07 GMT
Examining the stallion's body, its shift in movement was enough proof for her to believe. Dropping the stick and about ready to walk away, the big hearted pegasus growled internally at her weakest point. Not wanting to just run without knowing if he needed medical help, Plush Ramen slowly begun to approach. Keeping a ponys length in distance, blue orbs studied him well. Circling around him, the mare cleared her dry nervous throat.
"H-ello? Are you alright?"
Immediately assuming he wouldn't respond, the mare turned to run away. Giving him a few extra seconds to acknowledge her, Plush pondered her own actions. Despite her condition, there were always those that had been worse off. Knowing this, the scarred pony tried to make an effort. It couldn't hurt, right?
Post by Astral Midnight on Sept 2, 2016 21:06:49 GMT
The dark pegasus blinked and looked up at Plush, meeting her eyes with his own.
"Yeah.. I'm fine. Just a bit of a rough landing.."
Though his voice said one thing, his eyes told another story. He really wasn't okay, but he didn't feel like he was worth the time it would take to explain everything. Continuing to lay on the ground, he made no move to stop the mare from leaving if she felt like doing so
Post by Plush Ramen on Sept 3, 2016 22:07:02 GMT
Noting the ponys lack of injuries, Plush's eyes had darted from one side to another. Not spotting another interruption, this stallion would do well to rest it off. Remembering she was supposed to be running away, the orange mare turned to her scarred wing with a minor glare. Great, running was going to get annoying real fast. Shaking her head at the pathetic pony before her, Plush Ramen had left him but a few words.
"Life isn't worth much if you lay for dead. If you aren't happy, make a new one."
Trotting to the waterfall, the orange mare had looked down into her reflection with a deepened sigh. If she didn't like this life. She needed to make a new one. Nodding to herself, Plush had begun to gallop away. Getting back into the rush of the moment, the flightless pegasus had spread her mind far and wide, her options leading to limited possibilities. Within a few seconds passing, the mare was gone.
[Exit Plush Ramen]