Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 1, 2016 4:08:47 GMT
Astral flinched slightly as he felt the Queen's good touch him. After hearing her words, the stallion slowly stood up, staring at the ground once he was on his hooves again. He took a couple shalt breaths as he tried to reel in his emotions for a moment.
"I just.. I can't.. I don't.. I shouldn't be here.. I shouldn't have left the forest.. They're all dead.. I should be too.." He spoke shakily and softly, almost not wanting the Queen to hear him. He trembled badly as a wave of emotions filled him, triggered by his own words.
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 2, 2016 13:22:27 GMT
Staring down at her subject, Chrysalis felt uncertain as to how comforting ponies worked compared to her own. Surely she couldn't just tell them to accept nature for what it was, that wasn't the case for these sensitive souls. What this pony needed was a loving hoof, and with a brilliant idea spinning through her head, the Queen offered her ears to his extremely upset condition.
"Dead? Has your team failed then? How did you survive? My son, I may not have been the one to assign you to such a dangerous task, but if my partner did, there must be a good reason. Tell me what happened to them."
Scanning him up and down, the stallions body did not seem at all injured or bruised. Reading into his emotions further, she was starting to think there was more to this story then what he was saying. Hoping the two others weren't dead, green orbs cautiously went over her options. Briefly considering that this pony was the one to kill them off due to his unstable nature, she awaited a response before assuming anything.
Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 2, 2016 14:23:34 GMT
Astral took a deep breath before replying.
"N-no. My team is in the library.. I.. I meant my pack.. The ones I grew up with.. They're all dead.. I should be too.."
Just saying those words made Astral want to run again, but something within him held him back. He broke into another fit of sobbing as more emotions hit him.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 2, 2016 17:35:55 GMT
Vaan continued to lay down on the tile as the other two spoke. He listened to the words of the crying pony. He spoke of something about loss of friends/family. The griffon knew well of this, but he didn't let it get to him. Not anymore. He guessed some people took the news differently. (Though, he did start to feel a spot of sorrow swell inside.)
Waiting for their conversation to be done, Vaan began to softly hum an old griffon tune, slowly drifting to sleep.
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 2, 2016 21:21:01 GMT
Blinking with an unknown feeling towards this situation, Chrysalis had absolutely no idea what to do. While the creative manipulative side yearned to take advantage, the leader in her wasnt certain how to handle cases such as this one. Relaxing to the thought that he hadn't killed off his teammates, the Queen offered a genuine smile. If being liked meant caring for this creatures feelings, then that she must do. Wrapping a hoof around the upset stallion, the Queen pulled him lightly into a hug.
"Astral my child. You are young to the ways of death and remorse. Do not fret, for I am pulling you off of this case. It has been decided that you are emotionally too unstable to retrieve the prophet of Nightmare Moon. Instead, you will serve me here. My recent companion was promoted and sent away, but you, you my dear are special. Do you accept? You would send letters, organize and approve of taxes, and further more relax in the palace walls safe."
Little did Astral know, her words were only half sincere. While she meant well, the Queen needed a new pet to do her errands and play with her little ones. With a soft voice and gentle approach, her hopes that he would stop this crying at once was all that mattered now.
Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 2, 2016 22:21:24 GMT
Astral listened to her words, which seemed to calm him enough to hold back his tears. He sniffled a couple times before answering shakily.
"I.. I accept.."
He took some comfort in her seeing a use for him that was probably within his limited abilities, but still felt that he wasn't worth her time like this. He wiped the tears from his eyes and returned the hug gently, all the negative thoughts starting to leave his mind. Perhaps there was a reason that he was the only one left. Maybe he had a higher calling. Whatever it was, Astral felt better thinking about it.
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Things are always bad. You just have to look at it the right way.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 3, 2016 1:08:54 GMT
"Aww, how sweet," Vaan whispered to himself, eyeing the situation from the corner of his eye.
Perhaps, the Queen wasn't so bad after all. Perhaps, she was just misunderstood within her methods. Or maybe Vaan was just missing the bigger picture.
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 3, 2016 21:03:45 GMT
"Then it is settled."
Letting go of the stallion and smiling lightly, Chrysalis was glad her words stopped the crying and upset emotions overflowing from the pony's mind. Now in need of moving things forward, the Queen pointed to a chair that had magically appeared in the corner of her room. While it wasnt a permanent solution, having Astral sit and wait for her to finish seemed like the respectable move.
"Do sit down Astral, and we shall work out specifics at a later time. In the mean time."
Turning to Vaan, Chrysalis had been ready to continue their conversation where it had left off. Hoping to have no ill feelings towards the whole situation, the Queen looked into his eyes. Giving him her full attention, the warrior deserved more then a simple wave goodbye.
"May we continue?"
Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 3, 2016 21:46:23 GMT
Astral walked over to the chair and sat down, trying to pull himself together fully. He was feeling much better than when he had arrived, but he wasn't back to his normal self. He relaxed in the chair and waited for the Queen and Vaan to finish their business.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 3, 2016 22:39:02 GMT
With a yawn, Vaan slowly rose from his light sleep. The cold tile wasn't the best place to catch up on rest, but he had slept in worse places. He flapped his wings, so he could hover above the ground. A couple of stretches later, Vaan made his way closer to the Queen, making sure to keep adequate distance in between them.
"Alright, Ms. Queen, let's continue," Vaan spoke, thinking about what he wanted. Though, he didn’t have to think long;he already knew what he wanted, "I could ask for a bunch of things. Knowing your position, most of them are possible, but I'm not insane. I only want one thing."
After he finished talking, Vaan reached into his bag. He searched for a moment before he pulled out a wrinkled photo.
"I got stuck here in Equestria during the war...and couldn't get back to the griffon land, but I grew to like it here, more or less. Though, being stuck here separated me from my daughter, "Vaan spoke, showing her the photo of his daughter and wife,"I know it's a bit silly and not worth yer time, but could ya find a way to get her to me? I'd be eternally grateful and happy to serve the kingdom from here on out. Well...as long as it's nothing crazy."
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 5, 2016 8:14:41 GMT
Listening to the griffons request, once again the Queen found herself surprised by the actions of the warrior below. Levitating the photo from his grasp and bringing it to her pupils, Chrysalis observed it carefully. A family was broken up due to the war, and all he wanted was them back? Used to the blind sided ponies seeking some sort of useless revenge for the wars brutal ending, the Queen was used to getting blamed for alot. Seeing this dark colored bird, stand before her, and give his life for such a thing, she felt a tug at her cold heart.
"Your family? Do you not wish to have us find your wife as well?"
Unsure if he knew where she stood amongst the living or passed, Chrysalis spent no time wondering as she walked closer to him. Handing him the picture by hoof, a smile spread across her fanged lips. Not a smile of madness, but one filled with respect.
"As Queen of Equestria, I will send out a search party immediately. How old is your daughter now? Compared to the picture that is. And what may we call her? As my subject, you have shown true loyalty when it matters ost, this will be done. Do you need a place to stay?"
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Things are always bad. You just have to look at it the right way.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 6, 2016 3:19:39 GMT
The griffon took the picture from the Queen's hoof; he gave it one quick look over before placing it back into his bag. His head lowered in thought as he tried to gather his next words. The question...the one the Queen asked...it got to him. Words seemed not to come to him; a lump in his throat as if he wanted to tear up. He took more moments for himself before lifting his head and speaking.
"Uh...She's no longer with us. Another affect of war. Long story short: building collapsed. I...I only found her scarf," Vaan answered. He lifted the worn scarf from around his neck, revealing the healed scars he received from the past five lonely years, "My little Dandelion is ten and a half. Tell your team to take her mother's...my scarf...it'll let her know things are alright."
Vaan thought about everything the Queen was doing. It wasn't at all like the stories he had heard. Nor the rumors told while drinks were being shared. At this moment, she was being the opposite of everything he had assumed or had been told. Even her smile-despite the fangs- proved she wasn't a demon in disguise. She was better than that.
"Need...well...the clouds and trees are perfectly good places to sleep. Just make sure to wake up before you hit the ground," Vaan joked, trying to liven the situation, "Seriously, I'm personally alright. A guy like me learns to survive, but for my daughter's sake, yes."
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 7, 2016 16:13:55 GMT
Taking in the griffons emotions bit by bit, the Queen listened intently to his story. The sadness, the heart break, and the sorrow, it all..felt so good. Almost tasting it with his inner emotions growing so deep, Chrysalis wanted to absorb it all. While her kind needed love to survive, there was always pain and depression to consume when times got hard. It was like a bittersweet treat to her body as she remained still, offering a kind face in the end. A part of her felt selfish, for enjoying his suffering, while the other knew she was going to do everything she could to find his daughter and enjoy that loving reunion just the same.
"This scarf, it symbolizes many things, and therefore will be treated with respect. My soldiers will handle it with great care."
Learning about his lack of place to stay, that didnt quite sit well with her majesty. If Chrysalis was anything, she was a mare of her word. One thing she absolutely hated, was seeing creatures without a home and bed to sleep in. Perhaps it dove deep down from her past, when her children and her had to hide in caves and sleep in the brutal cold for warmth. Either way, if Vaan wanted to have a family once again, he would shape up and accept an offer, if not for him, for his daughter. Levitating the scarf out from his grip, she observed it carefully.
"Oh dear, this cannot do. You will accept one of the newly build homes for you and your child. A family shall not be homeless under my rein. If that is all, I will have my best soldiers show you to the house you will be staying at. Unless, you feel safer in the very palace."
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Things are always bad. You just have to look at it the right way.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 9, 2016 12:11:35 GMT
Vaan watched the ruler take the scarf. Worried he may never see it again, but the words from the Queen reassured him that hw would. He then smiled a little at the Queen. For one simple act, she returned the favor in great magnitude. He was getting his daughter and a home. Both things he hadnt had for a while.
"Doesn't seem like I have much a choice in the matter," Vaan spoke, "I'll gladly take a home. This palace is nice and quiet for the most part. I bet ya don't want that ruined by a ten year old griffon."
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 9, 2016 22:01:04 GMT
Laughing in response to his last comment, the Queen simply nodded in respect. He had a good heart, and was willing to give her a chance, she had to keep his trust. It was loyal citizens like him, that would change the way Equestria thought of her and her kind. Green eyes shifted to the depressed stallion sitting in the corner of her room before clearing her throat as if to tell him she was going to be needing him soon.
Dearest Astral, if you will, would you be so kind as to show this honored griffon to his new home? I will have a soldier escort you both to ensure the empty and remodeled home is free of trespassers during its time alone. Have no fear, a simple run of the house to ensure it is child proof is all."
Looking to the griffon once more, it soon became apparent that she had never gotten his name. Calling over a guard standing hidden behind Astral's chair, the soldier had stepped forward with a salute. Getting back to business and hoping to wrap this all up, she simply smiled and placed the scarf around her own neck for safe keeping.
"I apologize, but I do not believe I ever received your name."
(OOC: I read back through the old posts but dont think so lol making sure.)
Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 9, 2016 22:20:36 GMT
Astral looked up at the Queen and nodded. He slid off the chair and slowly made his way back to the Queen and the gryphon. With a nervous smile, he spoke.
"Of course. I'm.. I'm sure I can do it."
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Jan 9, 2016 22:33:38 GMT
Marching from his position to Astral's side, the changeling guard had simply nodded in understanding. Ready to bring on what awaited him, the elite soldier had been one of the Queen's personal defenders, nothing was getting by him without permission. Armored with the best lightweight materials made by Moia himself, JO was more then prepared. With no doubt, he turned to them both before introducing himself. "You will be safe. My name is J-O, But you may call me JO."
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Things are always bad. You just have to look at it the right way.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 9, 2016 23:58:25 GMT
Seeing the scarf put around the Queen's neck made the griffon a bit uncomfortable. It was special, but he knew things would be alright.
"The name is Vaan. Vaan the griffon. Professional smuggler and ex-chef, "Vaan stated, giving the Queen an awkward bow. The first one he had ever given, "Hopefully, you'll find a place for this varying skills."
With that, he flew toward towards Astral and the guard. He looked them over for a bit before wrapping his arms around them both, bringing them in close.
"Alright, mates. Let's go see this home and make sure little Dandelion will be happy."
Post by Astral Midnight on Jan 10, 2016 2:06:24 GMT
Astral smiled softly and nodded.
"Vaan, JO.. Uuh.. Ready to go?"
He was starting to regain what little confidence he had before the meltdown he had just had. He stood up a bit taller and looked at JO and Vaan.
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 10, 2016 2:14:01 GMT
"Excellent. I will send my soldiers onward to find your daughter. In the meantime, please enjoy your new home. If at all you are looking for a new job, I would look forward to meeting with you in the future. Good cooks for the public are extremely rare around my kind. I am certain ponies would like to eat more these days. Do think on it. No pressure is to be put however, you are to rest until your family is found."
Pleased to see everything working out, the Queen had realized it was past lunch time already. Finding herself growing hungry, it had almost been time for her own tax reward. Watching the three and opening up the throne room doors in a green magical aura, Chrysalis smiled.
"Enjoy. And Astral, I look forward to seeing you again when you return."
Correctional Forces
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Post by Correctional Forces on Jan 10, 2016 3:05:37 GMT
Awkwardly standing in the hug, JO had simply accepted his fate. Trained to listen to any pony the Queen commanded him to, the armored pony had given a soft nod to the griffons response. Turning to the door, he motioned for the two of them to follow. "Ready when you both are ready. I do hope my appearance does not frighten you. I can transform if it suits your needs. I aim to please."
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Things are always bad. You just have to look at it the right way.
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Post by Vaan on Jan 12, 2016 1:54:46 GMT
Vaan nodded to the Queen about her words. Once everything was set, he'd come back and once again offer his services to the Empire. Which ever of the two she needed. He then began to towards JO, yet turned to the Queen once more. He wanted to speak about the stallion she had ended. Wanted to warn her that his group-the Green Locusts-won't take to kindly to what she had done. Well, honestly, he didn't know, but a warning was better than nothing. He decided to handle the situation himself, so not to ruin the day for her.
"Alright, cya around, Queen. Hopefully around a pint, " Vaan said, not saying what he was thinking. He turned to JO ready to leave, "Leave the way, JO."
Correctional Forces
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We serve the new leaders of Equestria! Long may they reign.
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Post by Correctional Forces on Jan 12, 2016 16:24:49 GMT
Moving without another word, JO had walked to the door before stopping. Picturing the city in his head, the perfect home for a griffion with a child was surely back from the main street. Confirming mostly to himself, the changeling had moved on to the hallway. "Yes sir."
[Exit JO, Astral & Vaan to Palace Hallway]
(OOC: I hope thats okay for everyone. Exiting and all)
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 13, 2016 0:36:29 GMT
Watching her subjects leave, the Queen had begun to walk back to her chair. Walking along the carpet, a magical aura had removed the red scarf the griffon had gave to her for the mission. It was funny when she thought about it. These ponies were entrusting her with not only their lives, but their families as well. Honored that they were giving her a try to begin with, Chrysalis felt almost heart warming. This was everything she ever wanted, and now, she felt.. lonely? Sitting on her throne, the Queen had leaned against her hoof for the next visitors that were to come through that door.
It was always the same. Subjects wanting money, food, homes, explanations, forgiveness, and above all, a reason to trust her. Tired of doing the same thing every day, the Queen wanted something new, something exciting. Looking forward to the arena events with King Sombra, she could only count down the days. Thinking back on the only fighter she had right now, the mare found herself shaking her head. If Orange Glow didn't fix her up soon, was there even going to be a battle? Wanting to call her in, another thought had stopped her from doing so. The hallways were filled, the subjects came first before her little games. With that in mind, Queen Chrysalis waited for the next ponies to enter her throne room.
Post by Perspective Shift on Jan 29, 2016 22:23:21 GMT
[Enter Perspective Shift from the Hallway]
Perspective slowly approached he Queen, trembling in excitement the closer he got and the biggest grin on his face. He couldn't believe that he was actually going to meet her. Once he was close enough he vowed low to her, his eyes closed in reverence.
"Good afternoon Your Majesty. My name is Perspective Shift and I was wondering if I might have but a moment of your time."
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Jan 30, 2016 6:15:15 GMT
Looking up from her throne, green patient orbs stared curiously towards the newest subject in hoof. While her body fueled by love and life force picked up on upcoming emotions, his had given her a run for her money. Being the first today to be quite ecstatic on meeting her in physical form, the Queen could not stand to pass up this opportunity as a smile slowly begun to spread from the changeling leader's lips. Here he stood, polite and in need of her guidance, Chrysalis couldn't ask for a better opportunity to regain some allies as her head perked up from her leaning hoof, properly greeting him back in return.
"Greetings Perspective Shift, You may have quite a few. It is a pleasure to see somepony so intelligent and willing to learn come into my throne room asking for my time. Tell me dear, what can I do for you?"
Post by Perspective Shift on Jan 30, 2016 6:26:38 GMT
His smile shifted into confusion for a microsecond, unnoticed as his face was still facing the floor, unsure how she knew he had wanted to learn. As he stood into a slightly formal and polite posture, he beamed up at her, chalking up her knowledge to a superb intelligence gathering crew.
"Well your Majesty, I am here seeking employment in the Palace Library. I previously worked at the smaller library across town before the war. I will be honest and admit that I am hoping to expand my knowledge into other fields of magic while working here in the Palace."
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Feb 2, 2016 16:33:02 GMT
Running over the ideas of what he might have been asking for, the Queen seemed to be paying attention without much of a blink. Deeply inside of her mind however, is where the chatter began. From money to protection, any request she was asked for today seemed to come up in her thoughts before blinking to his words. While the job for the library wasn't one of them, Chrysalis found herself pleased to see a subject willing to make the best of things. With a smile no less, Perspective Shift had already given her a good interview by simply showing his positive attitude.
"So you wish for the library position? You have had experience working in this field already, which is quite impressive. What may I ask are you exactly wishing to expand in? While our library contains a lot of books from our times and long ago, nothing quite beats practice and perfection. You seem to have the spirit of a hard worker, I will accept your request. But first, I wish to hear more about your magical advancement if you will."
Post by Perspective Shift on Feb 2, 2016 22:49:01 GMT
It took a moment for her words to register and his grin grew brighter as they did. He had gotten the job! And she was willing to hear him out about his choice in magical advancement. Thoroughly ecstatic, he began his explaination,
"You see, Your Majesty, my special talent is using magic outside the box or in an unorthodox way. While I was at the school for gifted unicorns, some of the teachers referred to me as the Discord of the school. I've dabbled in all the normal areas of magic and the two areas I'd like to learn are Chaengeling and Dark magic."
Shortly after I started working at the other library, I found a single reference book to Changeling physiology and it mentioned how a Changeling could alter its entire appearance with its magic. The theory behind that was so exotic and so tantalizing that I had to know more. Unfortunately, there were no other books in that library and I'd never have been able to find others in the library here if there are any. My colleagues at the library told me to forget about it, but I never could. And then I found a reference to Dark magic," he tapped his chin, "in one of the history books I think, and again my curiosity was peaked. And again, I had no way of accessing any materials on the subject matter."
That's why I wanted to work at the library here in the palace. I'd be closer to my goal of learning these two types of magic that nopony understands or is willing to understand or even give it a try." He took a breath after his tirade and looked back up at the Queen, unaware that he had started pacing in his exuberance. He positioned himself back in front of her and waited for her answer.
Post by Queen Chrysalis on Feb 3, 2016 2:05:29 GMT
"I see, you are an exceedingly well balanced individual for wishing to dabble in the two fields most would fear from. But tell me this Perspective Shift, how much are you willing to lose to make the connection? With each new dark spell you learn, a part of yourself suffers. For instance, if you wish to force someone to do your bidding, you will soon see the strains that it will place on your body. If you choose to try an extreme black flame spell, you will burn. Cases like this are so common, ponies dare not try it now, so please, convince me."
Standing up now and smiling as she found herself amused at his studies, Chrysalis couldn't help but wonder what he knew of already. Studying through his magical inner aura, the diagnosis was always unclear when it came to these type of individuals. While her subjects mainly seemed to have the same level bars, some in particular were worth calling in the ranks of soldiers. This one however, was so unclear. He had potential to learn, but to succeed was a completely different obstacle. Stepping closer and wanting to see him in action, her mental process was becoming clear, and what more then some personal amusement to tag towards the mix.
"What you need is not books and alone time, what you need, is a teacher. What dark and changeling magic have you learned so far? Show me what you can do my son."