Junior Member
C.E.O of E.G.O.E.S Incorporated.
Posts: 50
Post by Moia on Aug 23, 2015 11:30:47 GMT
Yes... My PR department suggested zhat I schould do zhis AMA szing. So here I am, ask me anyszing you vant, vizhin reason.
Post by Forte Fermata on Sept 2, 2015 3:27:21 GMT
What is AMA? And what is your company?
Junior Member
C.E.O of E.G.O.E.S Incorporated.
Posts: 50
Post by Moia on Sept 2, 2015 10:53:55 GMT
What is AMA? And what is your company? First kvestion: I'm not sure myself. Apparently zhe PR department szought it vould be a good idea to let zhe public ask us some kvestions, so here I am. Second kvestion: You do not know already? E.G.O.E.S is the number one technology company in the world! Ve started out as a conglomerate of smaller businesses, but a few years after I joined, I reshaped it into vhat it is today: A company dedicated to the pursuit of sciene und technology! Zhough before zhe var our focus vas veaponry und party supplies, since zhose vere zhe most expensive marketsat zhe time. Now ve develop everyszing, from transport to lighting!
Post by Forte Fermata on Sept 4, 2015 1:38:31 GMT
Weaponry and party supplies? That seems like an odd combination. Why shift away from weapons during and after the war?
Junior Member
C.E.O of E.G.O.E.S Incorporated.
Posts: 50
Post by Moia on Sept 4, 2015 14:15:18 GMT
Ve didn't. In fact, zhe var effort vas vone of zhe szings vhich made E.G.O.E.S the number 1 veaponry company in zhe vorld!